What are the healthiest foods for the summer?

Here we provide details of the top 5 foods considered to be the most  healthy, according to surveys and sources across the United States and  Western Europe.

There are numerous diets that promote weight loss, sometimes in an  unhealthy way. Fad crash dieting, for instance, is potentially  dangerous.

Nuts, pulses, and grains

Nuts, pulses, and grains can be highly nutritious. Here are some of the best:


First on our list is almonds. Almonds are rich in nutrients, including magnesium, vitamin E, iron, calcium, fiber, and riboflavin. A scientific review published in Nutrition Reviews found that almonds as a food may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

The authors wrote:

"The message that almonds, in and of themselves, are a  heart-healthy snack should be emphasized to consumers. Moreover, when  almonds are incorporated into a healthy, balanced diet, the benefits are  even greater."

Almonds have more fiber than any other tree nut.

Brazil nut

Nuts, pulses, and grains are in important part of a healthy diet

Brazil nuts, (Bertholletia excels) are some of the most  healthful nuts on the planet. In Brazil, they are called  'castanhas-do-pará' - which translates as "chestnuts from Pará." Pará is  a state in northern Brazil.

The nuts come in a hard shell and are often served prepared ready to  eat, making them an excellent and nutritious, healthful snack.

Greens, fruits, and berries

Greens, fruits, and berries are easy to add to an existing diet:


Broccoli  is rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, folate, and phytonutrients.  Phytonutrients are compounds that reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Broccoli also contains vitamin C, as well as beta-carotene, an antioxidant.

However, overcooking broccoli can destroy many of its nutrients. Eating it raw, or lightly steamed is best.


Apples are an excellent source of antioxidants, which combat free  radicals. Free radicals are damaging substances generated in the body  that cause undesirable changes.

They are involved in the aging process  and some diseases. Some animal studies have found that an antioxidant  found in apples (polyphenols) might extend lifespans.


Kale is a very underrated leafy green. There are a lot of different nutrients contained within the leaves of kale.

Vitamin C is a nutrient of kale, and, according to the United States  Department of Medicine (USDA), it contains a substantial amount of  vitamin K, 817 micrograms or 778 percent of the recommended daily intake.

Kale can be cooked or steamed like cabbage, spinach, or asparagus. It  can also be consumed in smoothies or juiced for a revitalizing nutrient  kick.

Balance and moderation

Overall it is important for health to have a balanced diet and one that does not focus on one specific type of food.

It's also important to remember that a treat once in a while can be a  part of a balanced diet, and one that is very healthful overall.